I may be turning into a quiet person. i know what your all thinking: impossible.
I agree.. its not quite my personality, but i've found that I enjoy just sitting back and listening. Its not a bad thing, though I used to think it was.
I feel passionate about life right now.
I agree.. its not quite my personality, but i've found that I enjoy just sitting back and listening. Its not a bad thing, though I used to think it was.
I feel passionate about life right now.
here's a list:
.big comfy sweaters
.big comfy sweaters
.hot cocoa made on the stove
.french fries
.long drives
.warm blankets and fuzzy socks
.les mis
.les mis
.people who go out of their way, to show they care.
i love the christmas season. lets do something fun everyday of the break.. we are almost halfway through the year... and high school.
i'm so glad les mis is on your list forever. it should be on everybody's list! it is so great.