Tuesday, October 6

isn't it ironic?

Alanis Morrisette says it best:

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just can't take
Who would've thought... it figures.

It's so true! Things always seem to turn out with some ironic point to prove. Here is a list of ironic stories (myself and others encounters.)

Just the other day, I was driving as I was on the phone with a policeman.
as I drove down the street I thought to myself, wow. This is a little strange.
good thing I didn't get pulled over by a policeman while I was talking to one.. confusing?

online pop-ups advertising help getting rid of online pop-ups.
now this one could be genius. Like a classic.. sick of this?

needing to pay someone, to help you pay your taxes.
I have never quite thought about this one.. but it is so true! Why do you pay someone to help you figure out what to pay? That doesn't seem fair and just to me. but what is anymore? The government should hire people to do that. Like tax collectors! from Robin Hood times!!

That Valentine's Day was placed in February, just in case single people who have recovered from the loneliness that Christmas and New Year's Eve induced.
I just got a kick out of this one. Poor people.

starbucks office coffee is disgusting.
you want to work there just for the coffee? think again.

The psychics house down the street burned down.
I don't think she saw that one coming...

there is a fur store. right between a pet shop and a veteranarian.
there is something fishy about this one. I wonder where the vets took spot when he died...

haha I laughed pretty hard at a few of these. Though, I really hate it when ironic things happen to me. Hope you enjoyed them!

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