Tuesday, September 7

when life gives you lemons, eat them.

labor day weekend...

- i get to bask in the sunlight on a grassy meadow.
- a 6 year old paints my nails.
- people confirm that they are in fact, not annoyed with me.
- its my best friends birthday: even if she is a whole state away.
- i'm eating pop rocks. its like new years. in my mouth.
- someone sends me a text, that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
- i spend long hours talking to my big sister who parties at byu.. while laying in a grassy meadow
- i learn about the plan of salvation.
- i master my graphing calculator.
- pumpkin cupcakes.
- i watch 6 whole movies in one day, with tate, my best friend ever.
- i wake up and my morning is filled with rejoicing in the lord.
- i get hugs from my mom and my dad.
- i talk to someone new.
- i finish mockingjay.
- i bear my testimony.
- i come to terms that appearance doesn't matter.
- i'm lazy.
- i get the excitement that comes from looking at library books.
- i organize the student council room while kids outside are learning math.
- my room is clean.
- i sing to myself. in my mirror.
- i get to see samuel's face again.
- i don't mind that statistics is like.. greek.
- mr bartholomew tells the class to brush their teeth. or change their underwear.

today has been a happy day.

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