Sunday, August 1

first loser.

check out this cool viking i found.. i like it.

what a week. let me set up this scene for you.

triple crown world series: one of the biggest softball tournaments in utah. It takes place in Park city, where girls from all over the western USA gather to try to compete. this tournament takes a week to unfold and has traditions such as trading pins and gifts. its kind of a big deal.

once upon a time, back in the good old days when we used to play 12 and under and life was carefree, we had a little dream team. we were called Devastation and it was just some team from pleasant grove utah. we played our first four pool games... and lost every single one. we set out to win one game, then the next. and before we knew it, we were in the championship. and WON IT. we won the triple crown world series 12u silver bracket tournament. we were even on the news.

this week: i'm playing with a new team and new girls .. same tournament. we won 3 out of 4 of our pool games. which means we would be placed in the gold A bracket. where all the ballers go. we battled all week... and made it to the ship, as the undefeated team. But, guess who we had to play? oh yeah. S.W.A.T. just another team from utah, where half the girls on my team go to the same high school as them.

long story short, (although, its quite a long story already.) they beat us twice. and we got plaques that said: Triple Crown World Series 16u Gold A bracket.. finalist.

i. hate. taking. second.

on the bright side, in 30 minutes i am heading to freedom academy, leadership camp.

i'm stoked out of my mind.

pros: i get to meet loads of new people. i get to tour the prison. i get to spend a week partying with sam. i get to be a military.. person. i get to stay at a military base. i get to shoot guns and drive tanks. i get to tour airplanes. i get to dance. and did i say meet new people?

cons: i don't know any girls going, so the rooming is nerve wracking. i don't know what to expect... therefore, i don't know what to wear.

yay. for freedom academy.

don't forget about me for a week.


1 comment:

  1. WHAT?
    I didn't know you made it to the championship!
    But, 12u, best days of my life.
