i like suntanning in the front yard where everyone can see you.
i like the pg pool.
i like seeing people from the past.
i like it when a group of children get overly excited because bryan sampson signed a part of their body.
i like ice cream on hot days.
i like it when a good book takes up every spare minute of your day.
i like hitting in the cage with dad.
i like getting the butterflies.
i like random boys who try to tell me they love me out of a car window.
i like fist pumps. its the new big thing.
i like getting fried beyond comparison.
i like driving into the canyon with my woman.
i like bonfires and the friends that i meet there.
i like throwing rocks and watching seeds burn.
i like new crisp kb socks.
i like laughing at inside jokes with my mom.
i like getting stuck behind a train that keeps moving forward and backward.
i like watching movies with friends.
i like green and yellow salt water taffy.
i like playing pig and buying cupcakes.
i like flip flops and otter pops.
i like summer.