the time of mittens, long sleeves, hot cocoa and slick roads is upon mind is somewhat puzzled on whether it enjoys the white coat that blankets the city, or despises the death trap it sets. I enjoy the season, of course, who couldn't.. here are my random quirky thoughts, as a welcome to winter.Daphne does not enjoy the fact that she doesn't get to go on her daily adventure to school anymore. She apparently is not competent enough to take on the treacherous paths that become slick with the snow fall. try getting four-wheel drive Daphne. i [love] taking pictures in the snow.
Rosy cheeks are a very nice feature.
Brother Fossum: "deck the halls with bows of holly??"
whatch out.. I am feeling my inner sledding master awaken from hibernation.
I have made an executive decision to
hide away the hot cocoa maker in my room.
along with the mix and mugs.
and keep it.
all for myself.
who wants to crotchet gilly a christmas sweater??
me! me! I do. maybe I'll even add some jingle bells
that would be a nice touch.
There is an angel.. on the angel tree. waiting for me.
Have you ever noticed how snow looks?
it covers up everything gross.
it makes the world look like a movie.
i like it.
{kati} hey, why haven't we ever
gone snowboarding?or skiing?
{dad} because honey... every time
I have been skiing. its cold.
dear clay,
I am sorry about your hand.
I am very proud of you for going to the temple.
and helping people when they are stuck in the snow.
and coming to school.
I wish you were here at work.
It has been utterly quiet around here.
you, sir, are my hero.
hygiene diamonds misses you.
please recover nicely.
and get a doctors attention.
love, kati.
whoever came up with red and green are brilliant.
christmas presents are always such a dilemma.
you want to make it thoughtful.. something they
woul like, and not too expensive or cheap looking.
thats a hard combo.
a trip to the mall anyone?
who wants to watch elf?who wants to go caroling?who wants to ice skate?who wants to make a snowman?how about a snow angel?who wants to go on a lovely drive at dusk to watch dancing christmas lights?who wants to meet under the mistletoe?who wants to drink hot cocoa with mini marshmallows?who wants to go catch a reindeer?who wants to make ginger bread houses, eat cookie dough, then snuggle?winter
jingle bells & holly
hot cocoa & snowflakes
service helping & holiday spirit
freezing ness.. cold. cold and oh yeah cold
boots, sweaters, scarves, mittens & earmuffs
soup & carols. rudolph & frosty. sledding & tubing.
I am desperately hoping that this
weekend turns out as I hope.
If fate works its magic
then it will be heartwarmingly...
okay. So I am excited for christmas. maybe the snow has put me in the mood? so I guess for now, snow, you are welcome. as long as you keep bringing old thoughts of joy & holly.